Something is Missing

New leader wondering what is missing in her onboarding

Onboarding comes with many mixed feelings. Whether you’re responsible for onboarding the new manager or are the new manager being onboarded. There’s excitement to start something new, there’s the checklist and pile of paperwork, there’s the fun meet and greets. But there’s also the feeling that something is missing. 

What’s missing? 

You’ve shared company background and policies; but can your new manager recognize and fit into the company culture and norms and understand how their role fits into the organization's strategy so that they can lead in context? 

Your new manager has met their direct reports; but can they activate their team’s untapped potential? 

They’ve read through reports; but will they use the data to uncover pain points and unlock opportunities? 

Their calendar is filled with upcoming meetings and they’ve received the org chart; but will they get how the company works together, will they get noticed by participating, and will they nurture key relationships? 

Your organization has development plans and a LMS; but will your new managers cement a 100-day plan to set themselves up for success and will they have a firm enough grasp on how to hone a longer-term management strategy?

What’s missing is a tool to enhance how you onboard new managers. 

How can new managers be expected to become successful leaders when they’re given onboarding insight but not the tools for assimilation? Assimilation goes beyond the checklist and conventional onboarding (besides, you’ve got that down pat). It's about helping them build confidence and credibility. Literature out there is painfully dense and hard to foster action. Current digital onboarding tools don’t focus specifically on the new manager. Assimilation coaches are expensive and are typically only for executives. Designing a robust onboarding program and implementing it, whether for one new manager or organization-wide, requires rigorous planning and a heavy investment of resources and time. And time is of the essence. How a newly hired or newly promoted manager shows up in their first 100 days predicts how successful they'll be as a leader in their first year. 

What’s missing is FromJump®. A digestible and actionable way to transform how you assimilate new managers into successful leaders. A digital solution to enhance your onboarding. A scalable and sustainable way to put new managers into the driver seat of their own onboarding process.


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